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LBHD Human Design profile: Albert Einstein

May 14, 2015

Human Design Profile: Albert Einstein

Birth info: March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, at 11:30am

Passed: April 18, 1955 in Princeton, NJ at the age of 76

Albert Einstein Chart 2

In 1999, Time Magazine named Albert Einstein “the Person of the Century”. While growing up in Germany and Italy, studying in Switzerland, and later working in the patent office in Bern, many from Einstein’s early life would not have anticipated that particular distinction. The ironies of his upbringing, education, isolation and disdain for authority led to a variety of unusual situations for such a sensitive and intellectually curious one. Two crucial moments for Einstein occurred at age 5, when he was shown a compass and wondered what the invisible energies were that forced the dial around, and at age 12, when he devoured his first geometry book. The question that he was obsessed with from age 16 was: “What will happen if you race alongside a light beam?” ( By age 26, in what many called his “miracle year” of 1905, he had published four major papers that laid out his theories of general and relative relativity, photoelectric effect and mass-energy equivalence. Not too shabby for someone whose teachers agreed that he would likely not amount to anything!

While Einstein’s brain has been preserved, we can probably see more in his Human Design chart than they’ll ever find in his brain cells. Having both an Open Head and Open Ajna, he was the typical child who would have a difficult time with rote learning in school. He would be thinking “outside the box”, taking in any information he was given and turning it on its axis. Einstein would learn something new, delve into with passion and then just as quickly move onto another topic when that one was disproven by a new book. While devoted to religion at an early age, he was dissuaded from it after reading a number of science books which were introduced by a young medical student who was a friend of the family.

As bright as he was in math and science, he was terrible in most other subjects, and was also reprimanded for missing classes, due to his own studies in isolation. It would seem that his completely Open Head (with no gate activation at all) was a wonderful playground for his preferred intellectual activities. With the gates of Rationalization, Ideas and Opinions as the only definition of his Ajna, he was able to get an idea, rationalize it until the end result he sought justified the means and then form an opinion about it. With his open Throat, and the activation of the gates for Caution, Influence and Creative Contribution, his writing was accomplished, thoughtful and sufficiently sophisticated by the age of 26 to be published in one of the major physics journals of its time. By 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, and maintained his role as “the most influential physicist” of the 20th century.


The themes in Einstein’s chart show in his defined channels – Initiation, Fantasy & Desire, and Reproduction and Mating:

  1. The 25-51 is the Channel of Initiation. Linking the Love of Spirit and the gate of Shock, this channel is key to bringing humanity closer to the love of the Spirit through shocking words or actions. Einstein’s theories shocked the world of physics by questioning the theories of Newtonian physics, long regarded as the only way to think about physics. Shocking, indeed!
  2. The 41-30 is the Channel of Fantasy & Desire. As creative types in any field will attest, this emotional wave that is both Fantasy and Desire with a heavy dose of Intensity goes a long way to explaining the very long and introspective periods of isolation that Einstein became known for among his family and colleagues. He would do his work at the patent office in Bern and then spend the rest of each day writing and thinking. His favorite respite from his work was music.
  3. The 59-6 is the Channel of Reproduction and Mating, and can be a great source for new ideas that are literally birthed from the Sacral. The creativity that is born here is the type that ensures the health of the planet, the growth of humanity, and the defense of our species. While a combination of both Intimacy and Tension, it pokes and prods one’s psyche in a continual loop of growth and contraction, that leads to the successful creative process. Of course, not all of us are as successful or creative as Einstein was, but the potential is always there!

Many of the attributes that made Albert Einstein a successful physicist were balanced by other attributes that distinguished him as a peace-loving person as well. He had an innocent nature – most likely from his Incarnation Cross of Eden – that had him question the ways in which his remarkable theories were being utilized. His strong sense of responsibility, which was later echoed and amplified in his Chiron after age 50, had him write a book called “Why War?” in 1933, the same year that he decided to stay in the US during a visit to Princeton University. His gate 38 – “what’s worth fighting for?” – likely had an influence on his later theories of war and peace as well.