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July 2018: The Principles of Human Design...from the Book

Jul 01, 2018

From the Preface of Getting to Know YOU:

What This Book is About

 “Getting to Know YOU” is about getting from Point A to Point B in your life without fear. Most people go through life, as I used to, bumbling from one decision to another. And not getting what they want. Or if they don’t bumble—if they’re absolutely sure about their decision—they still wonder why they’re not getting what they really want out of life. Either way—making clueless or rock-solid decisions—they’re still unhappy. 

Human Design has been around for just over thirty years now—since 1987—and yet only a small percentage of people on the planet know about it. This book sets out to make Human Design, and the concepts behind it, more user-friendly for many. For me, Human Design was the answer to my bumbling decision-making. And I’m so glad that I found it. You may be, too. We’re not perfect, and many of us are just bumbling along in default mode. In fact, you may have heard others use the term “perfectly imperfect.” That’s your life; that’s my life. We’re all here to do the best we can with the tools we have in the place we’re planted at the moment. But I have found that Human Design can make the ride a lot smoother than previously imagined!

(Note: if you’re happy and getting everything you want in life, then you’ve figured it all out and don’t need this book! Please give it to someone who does need it. Thanks!)

Is this YOU?

What is life like when it’s hard to make decisions and each time you do make a decision, you worry about the outcome? This is what it can look like:

  • Are you miserable because you’re moving from one job to the next without a clear path for your future?
  • Are you unhappy in relationships when you know there’s more that you want?
  • Are you frustrated because you realize your kids are growing up and you’re growing apart? OR they’re not claiming their independence at all?
  • Are you feeling let down because you’re expecting others to make you happy?
  • Are you so stressed at work that it’s hard to get anything done? And you feel so drained you don’t care?

If any of these situations resonate with you, then you’re in the right place. But also if you’re curious, if you’re always investigating new ways to get information about yourself, if you’re a spiritual seeker, or if you’ve taken every class and read every book about your particularly challenging situation and are still looking for the answer. And you may have even had a Human Design reading at some time in the past but didn’t quite get it at that time or you weren’t ready for the information yet. You’re absolutely in the right place.

Why You’ll Want to Read this Book

Using a newish personality assessment tool called Human Design, you’ll gain an awareness about yourself that takes away a lot of the doubt, suspicion, fear, anxiety, and emotional drama that goes into making decisions for 99% of us. Very simply, for each of us, there is a Strategy for making decisions. Once you know this, and practice using it, over time, your decisions are made with decisiveness, authority, and intention. You feel proud and satisfied with each decision you make because it brings you closer to your goals. Big or small, all your choices begin to fall into place to create the life that you’ve been dreaming of.

I’ve come up with a list of the “Principles of Human Design” (below) that will help explain it a little and help you to figure out if you want to choose to read this book—or pass on it for now.

Who Am I to Make This Claim?

Since learning about Human Design in early 2009, I’ve run thousands of charts, done hundreds and hundreds of Human Design sessions with my clients—individuals, couples, families, and business people—spoken at dozens of venues, presented Human Design at loads of holistic fairs, and studied relentlessly to understand Human Design logically. It had to be logical for me. That’s who I am—a geek who doesn’t really trust other people to come up with new ways of doing things, unless I can prove that it works. And I wasn’t going to risk my reputation for something that was considered “too out there” by business associates, friends, and family. (They still think I’m weird, but less than they used to.)

I should add that before I learned about my Human Design chart and how to make decisions, I was a classic bumbler. For the first fifty-two years of my life, I never trusted my decisions. I always felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants and the sky was about to crash in. I went to school, worked in Corporate America for over thirty years, got married, and did all the things you’re supposed to do. I made a lot of decisions. Now, they weren’t all bad decisions—some of them turned out just fine. Some even remarkably well—like saying “yes” to my husband of twenty-five years. But I never, ever trusted my decisions at the time I was making them. And that’s where finding out about my Human Design made all the difference. I could stop worrying, stop being a nervous wreck, and stop beating myself up when I made the wrong decision. And eventually learn how to live in the moment. It was a huge change in my life—and in my peace of mind.

That’s what I intend for you to get out of this book, too. And this is just my perspective of Human Design. You may find it different from others or you may find it similar. Simplifying Human Design a bit and getting rid of a lot of the jargon worked for me. I hope it works for you, too.

Why Should You Care?

Because I care. No, I don’t know you personally, but I know hundreds and hundreds of clients just like you who have benefited from hearing about their Human Design and using their Strategy to make decisions without fear. Here are some of the things they have to say:

“I could not believe how accurate the session was about how I work, so to speak, going over my chart in great depth to help me understand myself. I believe everyone should have a Human Design reading to help fully understand yourself. It’s all there in your own unique blueprint; your strengths, weaknesses, patterns, thoughts. It was a truly amazing gift to one’s self, and I highly recommend it.”

“Thank you so much for last night. I’m still blown away! I feel so good today, a huge sense of relief and a massive pressure I’ve released from myself. I can say I’m starting to feel more like myself (I know it sounds so silly, but I know you understand.) and trusting that and releasing the doubts I held around aspects of myself. So many people’s projections of me can just bugger off now! Ha-ha! Still a lot to work on, but I feel so positive with the awareness I now have and what more I will develop to absolutely improve the quality of my life. YAY!! Thank you so much for what you do and allowing us to find confidence in exactly who we are.”

“I knew our sessions would be interesting, but I had no idea of the impact they would have on my everyday life. The information is in a very easy to understand format so that you can go back and reference what was discussed . . . walks you through step by step in how the information she is giving you can be applied to make the most of your life. We ended up doing my husband’s and our child’s as well. It without a doubt strengthened my marriage and made for a more harmonious family life. I learned some of the reasons my husband does what he does is because of his Human Design. We also have a child with special needs who is pre-verbal—having the tool for understanding his Human Design has helped me understand him better and how to pick and choose my battles when parenting. It gave me so much confidence in decision-making.”

My Promise to YOU

Human Design is about self-awareness: getting to know yourself better so you can be happier, healthier, more prosperous, and more fulfilled. Things should flow easily when you’re living your design. There’s no pushing hard when you’re in the flow of your own decision-making process.

So is This For Me?

Please take a look at the Principles below and then, if and only if, they resonate with you, please join me on a journey to find a new awareness of you that’s been hidden for far too long. If it feels right for you, please don’t wait any longer to find out who you really are and make decisions that feel right for you. Enjoy!

The Principles of Human Design

  1. You are a unique being. The combination of who you are and why you are here is as unique as your fingerprints.
  2. It’s much easier to be who you really are than who you think you should be.
  3. You are who you are, and nothing can change that. You’re beautiful just as you are.
  4. Human Design helps you remember who you are. You were born perfectly and nothing has changed.
  5. Human Design is about making decisions that are right for you versus what’s right for anyone else.
  6. You don’t need to be fixed. You’re perfect just the way you are.
  7. You’re here for a reason. The world is waiting for the authentic you to emerge.
  8. Human Design allows you to be the you you were born to be. You don’t need to take anything personally; it’s just energy.
  9. If each one of us were living our unique Strategy, the world would be a lovely and very livable place.
  10. You are designed to receive love and everything you need to survive. The Universe is always taking care of you by default, if you allow It.
  11. Human Design is about self-awareness: getting to know yourself better so you can be happier, healthier, more prosperous, and more fulfilled.
  12. Things should flow easily when you’re living your design. There’s no pushing hard when you’re in the flow. Relationships, job offers, money, and fulfillment will flow to you and through you naturally.