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May 2013 LBHD Newsletter

May 01, 2013

May 2013 Newsletter Article

Relationships with MOM through Human Design

Since it’s Mother’s Day, I thought I’d focus today on questions that come up around relationships, mothers, and Human Design. A song that I heard this week sums up what Human Design does to each and every one of us as soon as we’re in the aura of another person that we love or that loves us:

I feel so close to you right now; it’s a force field

I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal

Your love pours down on me; surrounds me like a waterfall

(Lyrics from “Feel So Close” by Calvin Harris)

We are indeed in a force field of energy – whether it’s love or some other feeling – whenever we’re with someone else. Very simply what happens is that OUR open energy centers FEEL their defined energy centers, take that energy in and amplify it, and vice versa: their open centers take in our defined centers and amplify them. When you are taking in their energy and amplifying it, especially the emotions of the Solar Plexus, for example, it can feel like YOU’RE having those feelings or emotions. But you’re not really. You’re just amplifying the emotions. The same thing happens with each of the other centers. So let’s look at a few examples of the various energies that we find in our mothers.

Solar Plexus: A person with a defined Solar Plexus (about 50% of the world) can be in a good mood or a bad mood – even on a holiday! If you are open in the Solar Plexus, you’ll be taking in their emotional energy when you’re with them – and feeling the same way they do. So at a wedding you could feel quite joyous, as you’re taking in all the energy of the event; meanwhile at a funeral, you’ll feel very sad and probably be in tears or close to it. At soon as you’re in the parking lot at either event, you’ll usually go back to feeling more like yourself, and usually feel a bit of a relief in letting go of others’ emotions. A mother who has an emotional wave can be a little cranky or moody sometimes, and other times fun and engaging, and a joy to be around. A mother without an emotional wave is usually cool, calm and collected and good in a crisis.

Will/Heart Center: Only about one-third of the population has a Will Center defined. These are people who are empowering to others, have willpower and a good deal of self-confidence. When we take in their energy of the Will Center, it can feel very empowering to be around them, as if we could accomplish almost anything. We’re literally borrowing their willpower for a while. But once you’re out of their aura, the willpower goes away, and it makes it harder to accomplish what we promised just moments before. Mothers with a defined Will Center will feel like empowering cheerleaders to their children, saying, for example: “I know you can do whatever you want to do!” Of course they can, but when they’re away from Mom’s Will Center, things just feel more difficult to accomplish. Following your OWN strategy is the sure way to accomplish any goal, whether you devised it with Mom or not.

The Spleen Center: One of the most nurturing energies in Human Design is the defined Spleen Center. We just LOVE being around people with a defined Spleen center. It’s an energy that’s nurturing, intuitive and instinctively survivalist by nature. It’s all about protection of the self, the tribe, children and humanity. It’s about keeping everyone safe and happy. And so it just feels good. It’s the Earth Mother kind of energy.

The “G” Center: About half the population has a defined “G” Center. This energy feels like you have a good sense of self, your direction in life and love of the self. It’s a very solid kind of energy. But the Open “G” Center is here to know others. They have a sense of being a chameleon – someone who could befriend almost anyone with a very diverse circle of friends. With an Open “G” Center, these are great therapists, teachers, counselors, and of course, mothers. They can literally “see” into someone’s soul, help them with any problem and usually give very sage advice. They’re not here to know themselves as much as they are here to know others.

Of course, any design can be a wonderful mother – they come in all shapes and sizes – on the Human Design chart, that is! As always, living out your Human Design strategy and Authority will lead you on the path to fulfilling your life’s purpose and finding your passion in life.