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April 2013 Profile: Jane Fonda

Apr 01, 2013

April 2013 Profile: Jane Fonda

Birth Info: December 21, 1937 at 9:14am In New York, NY

As an actress, activist, fitness guru, model and author, Jane Fonda has had the kind of life that would seem a whirlwind to many of us! As a Generator with a 2/4 Hermit Opportunist profile, she seems to have taken it all in stride — although with over a million pictures taken of her over the years, one could hardly say that she’s the typical “hermit”. As the daughter of Henry Fonda, she was in the public eye from an early age, and the opportunist had a chance to play its role with access to her father’s contacts in the movie industry, the ability to travel and a quick mind.

There are a few themes that have played out in her life as her defined channels:

The 64-47 is the Channel of Abstraction. With the defined Head and Ajna, Jane was an inspiration and would likely receive information in a uniquely abstract way. She would see the big ideas long before her peers and had the abstract thoughts that kept people intrigued.

The 11-56 is the Channel of Curiosity and is also called the channel of the “Seeker” – as in always trying to explore the unknown. With both ideas and the gift of storytelling, Jane was able to keep up with the best of them in all walks of life. She would take on the big ideas, creating a relevant story for her audience, whether through acting, writing or speaking.

The 29-46 is the Channel of Discovery. It’s also called “Succeeding where others fail” because it’s comprised of the gates of Commitment, Perseverance and Determination. Jane’s commitment to becoming excellent at each career she took on made it look easy to others. But she worked very hard to achieve her goals.

And just as important as those themes of Discovery, Abstraction and Curiosity is the fact that Jane Fonda’s Incarnation Cross is the Cross of the Vessel of Love. This indicates that her whole raison d’etre is about Love – love of self, love of humanity, love of the spirit and love of the flesh. People with this Incarnation Cross have a hard time understanding why others can be harsh, why there are wars, and why we can’t all just agree to get along. The realities of our lives can seem very odd to the Vessel of Love, and perhaps Jane got caught up in some of these mixed emotions as she tread through a life filled with many different characters – both on-screen and off!